One of the best and yet strangest parts of my last pregnancy were the dreams. They were vivid. They were odd. They were realistic. I often couldn't tell if i were truly awake or not. One of my most common dreams while pregnant with Jamie was that I needed to get up but could not open my eyes. I'd struggle and struggle until I finally realized I was dreaming and then I'd wake up...but not really. This would happen about four or five times, and it would always take several minutes before I could convince myself that I truly was awake.
So far, this pregnancy has been utterly different in nearly every way except for the missed period. I've had no vomiting and barely any nausea thus far. Well, what I'd call barely any. It's more like manageable nausea, which is still totally different. I've been in a rather good mood and I'm sure multiple people, especially my husband, would attest that was not the case last time. I told a friend that I haven't even wanted to smother him in his sleep for breathing yet! I've been having occasional cramps (which a few girls have assured me is ok, unless I have bleeding). I completely felt like I was going to start my period. That is so different from last time that I didn't even expect to be pregnant. With Jamie, I felt pregnant from the start. I was having absolutely no signs of an impending period and knew I just had to have a little person growing in there.
Now the "nearly" part comes in the form of the dreams. I've once again been having those interesting, vivid dreams. In fact, it was the the main way I suspected pregnancy. I had a dream that my cousin Jessica and I were at some college dorms and she had her baby and it was a girl. She was born with a full head of black hair that was in a Pebbles-style ponytail! Jessica, if Caroline looks like this, she'll be the cutest newborn ever!
The baby was really alert and could already sit up by herself. She was just looking around on and sitting on Jessica's stomach but was still all gooey!!! Then her husband took them up the hill and I was like "Crap! She didn't tell me her name!" and for some reason I could not get my backpack together to come after them and find out what the baby's name was!!!
I recounted this dream to her in a Facebook comment, which also included the closing line, "haha, after a dream like that i'm not sure who's the pregnant one here?!" This was two hours before I took a positive pregnancy test. How's that for ironic?! (which I'm told could be the wrong use of the word) ^_~
Just for the record when Isaac or Caroline arrive, shim will be the cutest baby ever! (At least in my eyes.) And yes cramping is absolutely normal, and one of the many reasons I waited to tell anyone. I really thought I was going to start my period any minute and would check every time I went to the bathroom. I cramped for about 10 weeks. It really freaked me out! If it weren't for the eye rolling I got from Seth, I would have bought and took another pregnancy test just to be sure.
Being that your pregnancy is totally different... I am going to go ahead and guess that you are going to get your little girl this time around. ;) I've seen it with a LOT of women in my church...
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