Well, ladies and gentlemen, it's official. I'm pregnant again. And though I adore my son and children in general, I find myself already questioning my ability to do this again so soon. Jamie is amazing and he's everything I could've asked for in a first child. (notice the neglect to include "first pregnancy") Needless to say there were a lot of questions running through my mind when I realized it was clearly 2 lines on that infamous little stick. What if this is a wonderful pregnancy and a difficult child? What if we don't get into a house with three bedrooms by the time #2 arrives? What if i'm not mentally capable of 2 kids under 2? What will other people think? What sacrifices will we have to make to afford it?
I have to say that there was one thought that hadn't even entered my mind until yesterday. Yesterday was the big day of announcing it to the families. Though they did seem quite excited, I'm positive I overheard someone say "Poor Guy" directly after the news was given. Now, if they were referring to my husband, they are sadly misinformed because he is the one who has been pestering me for #2 since Jamie was about 5 months old! Of course, the most logical thought is that they were referring to my son which, even in jest, I still would've found slightly annoying.
This is a thought I'd never considered. I'd never considered that, because of the new baby being so close in age to Jamie, my son would not get a turn in the spotlight or that he would somehow be forgotten or left behind too early in his young life or passed over by family in favor of the new arrival. I never considered because it's something I would never let happen. Let's face it, with total disregard for tooting my own horn. I'm a fantastic mother...and fabulous with children in general. They love me and it's because i have a true love for them. This second child coming when Jamie is so young might be a bigger challenge financially, mentally, or even socially (because it's seriously hard to do stuff with friends now) but it most certainly won't be a challenge where attention is concerned. If I have enough love to give to 16 kids in a preschool class every single day, I certainly have enough to share with my own two children.
Jamie's going to have all the love he wants; make no mistake about that. And #2 has wiggled it's way into our hearts as quickly as it did my uterus. I have big plans for my family...big plans.
He doesn't know what's in store, but he looks pleased anyhow!
yes! let the blogging begin!
I agree...FABULOUS MOM U R!!!! and jamie bug looks sooooo happy in the infamous t-shirt that i thought someone gave you or you got from Goodwill. After all why would he be wearing a shirt that says I'm the Big Brother unless unless, OMG it's true, he really is the Big Brother and i will be a Neena again. I'm in HEAVEN!!! soooooooooo happy and proud and thankful that God has blessed my little family with another baby. God is GOOD!
I'm not sure how anonymous, Anonymous stayed! I love her comment!
haha, yeah. bless her. she couldn't figure out how to leave a post without doing it as anonymous. haha. we decided it must be b/c she doesn't have a google account or something.
I don't have a google account either. You have options along with anonymous at the bottom. I select "name/url", and then it gives you the option to type your name.
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